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the early days
the early days
the early days
From a log cabin to a life on the water, Lane was a rebel and an innovator. After serving in the Coast Guard, Lane moved to Norfolk, VA, bought his first tug, Steel Rebel, and earned a living towing and salvaging. To win a bet, he put a schooner rig on his working tug and invented the world’s first Tugantine. Along the way, he and wife Rosemarie started a family and raised four sons.
lane builds a tugantine
lane builds a tugantine
Recognizing the economic and environmental benefit of sail-assisted commercial vessels, in 1980, Lane built his second Tugantine, Norfolk Rebel. Lane was transitioning from commercial salvage to tending tall ships, circumnavigating Virginia (via Canada) and appearing at maritime festivals all along the eastern seaboard, promoting maritime education, environmental efforts, his beloved schooners and a darn good party in the process.
Norfolk Rebel Scantlings
Naval Architect: Merritt Walter | Builder: Howdy Bailey
Naval Architect: Merritt Walter | Builder: Howdy Bailey
Length overall: 51’7″
Length on waterline: 48′
Draft: 5’6″
Beam: 15’3″
Weight: 33.2 tons
Power: 871 V8 320 HP Detroit Diesel
Prop: four-bladed
Sail area: 849 sq ft extended to 1200 sq ft when bowsprit extended

Capt. Lane Briggs passed away on September 19, 2005.

the next generation
the next generation
the next generation
Lane lived aboard Norfolk Rebel at the marina he founded on the grounds of his old salvage yard. He raised four boys to be captains and left a unique legacy of good work and great friends His four sons and four grandchildren continue the tradition.